Research Platforms

National Virtual Simulation Center for Experimental Teaching of Automotive Engineering

The Virtual Simulation Center for Experimental Teaching of Automotive Engineering of Dalian University of Technology (VSCET-AE, DUT) was recognized as one of the first 100 national virtual simulation centers by the Ministry of Education in 2015.

Based on computer virtual simulation and network technologies, the center combines the Experimental Teaching Center of Automotive Engineering to provide an all-round virtual and real experimental teaching and learning environment . The center has solved the problem of "invisibility, intangibility, inaccessibility and immovability" in physical vehicle experiments by developing a virtual simulation experimental platform and the difficulties of "large system, high cost and high consumption" of experiments with virtual technologies after considering the features of DUT's automobile engineering. The virtual simulation experiment based on the Internet frees the experiment and course teaching from the limitation of time and space, ensuring the experiment to be repeated at any time and any place, which greatly improves the utilization rate of teaching resources. So far, the center has developed visual reality platforms for courses related to automobile structures, powertrains, electronics, body and advanced manufacturing, which plays an important role in improving the quality of undergraduate teaching, and becomes an integral part of the undergraduate teaching of automotive engineering.

Research Platforms